Course overview and specification

Y12 Certificate Units: 

Unit 2: Creating Systems to Manage Information. 

You will study the design, creation, testing and evaluation of a relational database system to manage information. 

Unit 2 Assessment - This unit is externally assessed through a task set and marked by Pearson. The set task will be completed under supervised conditions in two set sessions in January of Y12. Command words used in the assessment are defined in the appendix.  

Unit 2 Weighing - Unit 2 is 90 guided learning hours (GLHs) and is 50% of the certificate and 25% of the extended certificate grade. 

Unit 3: Using Social Media in Business 

You will explore how businesses use social media to promote their products and services. You will also undertake social media activities for a business to meet requirements. 

Unit 3 Assessment - This unit is coursework where the assignment is set and marked by your teacher. You will be given a series of tasks to complete and an assessment grid that will identify what you have to do to achieve a particular grade. Your teacher will check your work against the grid and make comments about the effort you have made and the quality of your work. 

Unit 3 Weighing - Unit 2 is 90 guided learning hours (GLHs) and is 50% of the certificate and 25% of the extended certificate grade. 

Y13 Extended Certificate Units: 

Unit 1: Information Technology Systems 

You will study the role of computer systems and the implications of their use in personal and professional situations. 

Unit 1 Assessment - This unit is externally assessed through a written examination set and marked by Pearson. The examination is two hours in length. You will be assessed on your understanding of computer systems and the implications of their use in personal and professional situations. The assessment availability is January and May/June each year. Command words used in the assessment are defined in the appendix.  

Unit 1 Weighting - Unit 1 is 120 guided learning hours (GLHs) and is 33% of the extended certificate grade. 

Unit 5 Data Modelling or Unit 6 Website Development 

Unit 5 - You will investigate the fundamentals of the decision-making process. You will find out how using data modelling provides the computational ability to compare consequences, and determine a preferred course of action. You will develop the skills and techniques necessary to create complex spreadsheets in order to produce accurate information that informs decision making.  

Unit 6 - You investigate website development principles then design and develop a website using scripting languages. You will review existing websites – commenting on their overall design and effectiveness. You will use scripting languages such as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript and a simple text editor, or rapid application development tools. Finally, you will reflect on the website design and functionality using a testing and review process 

Unit 5 or Unit 6 Assessment - This unit is coursework where the assignment is set and marked by your teacher. You will be given a series of tasks to complete and an assessment grid that will identify what you have to do to achieve a particular grade. Your teacher will check your work against the grid and make comments about the effort you have made and the quality of your work. 

Unit 5 or 6  Weighting - Unit 5 or 6 is 60 guided learning hours (GLHs) and is 17% of the extended certificate grade. 

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