BTEC Business

Course overview and specification

BTEC L3 Extended Certificate in Business

In Y12, you will complete Unit 1 coursework ‘Exploring Businesses’ and Unit 2 ‘Developing a Marketing Campaign’ which is an exam you will sit in the summer of Y12. 

In Y13, you will take Unit 3 ‘Personal and Business Finance’ in the January of Y13, followed by Unit 8 coursework ‘Recruitment and Selection’. 

Top Revision Links / Websites

There are lots of resources to support preparation for Unit 3 Personal and Business Finance including topic videos on each section of Unit 3 Personal and Business Finance specification on the Bee Business Bee website:

Bee Business Bee website

The videos should be watched as part of your revision and post-lesson consolidation and the worksheets and quizzes will support your retrieval of key knowledge. 

There are also some revision blast videos which are beneficial when you have done the bulk of your revision – make sure you have a pen, paper, and calculator with you as you work through them: 

Personal finance

Purpose of accounting and sources of finance

Breakeven and cash flow


Additional information / top tips

For Unit 2, you need to make sure you can remember the structure and format of the written report to ensure coverage of all the areas of the mark scheme.  This is the main aspect you need to rote learn ahead of the exam: 

  • Structure (4 marks) 

  • Marketing aims and objectives (8 marks) 

  • Research and analysis of market information (12 marks) 

  • Justification (10 marks) 

  • Marketing mix including message, mix, media: price, product, place, promotion, people, physical, process (20 marks) 

  • Budget (8 marks) 

  • Timescale (4 marks) 

  • Presentation (4 marks) 

Get someone to test you on what you need to include so you don’t miss any sections out!  Remember to spend all of your budget and link throughout to your marketing aims and objectives 

For Unit 3, timing is crucial – you have 80 marks available in 2 hours.  The Business Finance is approximately two-thirds of those marks and is in the second section of the exam paper.  Be careful to manage your time effectively so that you have the opportunity to answer every question.