Exam & Intervention Information

We offer a range of support for students in Y13 including the Sixth Form Study Area which is available throughout the day (as well as before and after school), Period 6 sessions across a wide range of subjects and a range of subject-specific interventions, as well as a weekly Guidance lesson.

Progression to university and UCAS:

Students are receiving their offers from universities and will receive one of three responses from each university:

●       Conditional Offer – the offer is subject to specific conditions. These will be specific grades that the university requires or a specific total number of UCAS tariff points.

●       Unconditional – it is unusual to receive one of these so do make sure to check the conditions of the unconditional offer. Often it is dependent on conditions such as making the university your firm choice, so the small print should be read carefully.

●       Unsuccessful – the university has not offered a place on this course.

When all the universities have responded, this is the point at which a ‘firm’ and ‘insurance’ choice will be made.

Firm choice – this is the university that the student wishes to attend, providing they achieve the grades stated in the offer.  This should be chosen taking into account a number of factors: current predicted grades and mock exam grades, preferred course, location, transport, accommodation options

Insurance choice – this is the back-up and needs to have a lower grade requirement than the firm choice, in case the student does not achieve the grades required for their firm choice. This needs to be somewhere the student is happy to attend.

Students will have 1:1 meetings with their Guidance teacher to help them make their firm and insurance choices.

When choices have been made, accommodation information will be sent out – students should check their junk email in case it is not accepted into their inbox.

Student Finance

Students will have a Guidance session which explains the student finance process and they will be supported in completing their part of the application during Guidance lessons.  The form asks for contact details for parents and gives the option for parents to complete their part online or on paper.  Completing it online is usually quicker – students will need a parental email address to include on their part of the application so that the form can be sent to parents.

Further details are here: https://studentfinance.campaign.gov.uk/

Progression to employment:

Students have worked on their CVs and covering letters and are being emailed details of apprenticeship and employment opportunities on a regular basis.  Students should also check their Unifrog account each week as that includes links to current apprenticeship vacancies, as does this website: https://www.gov.uk/apply-apprenticeship

Contact details:

If you require any support or further information, please do not hesitate to contact the pastoral team or your son/daughter’s form tutor:

Head of Year 13:                           Mr J Wingate                    jwingate@bri.leap-mat.org.uk

Assistant Head of Year 13:           Mrs J Walsh                       janwalsh@bri.leap-mat.org.uk

Head of Sixth Form: Mrs E Foster efoster@bri.leap-mat.org.uk


Advice for Mental Health & Wellbeing